FAQ Welcome to pay with Alipay!

The payment is successful and automatically returns to the merchant after 3 seconds.

Sorry, your transaction has failed due to a timeout.

The latest payment time for your order is: , has expired, and the transaction is closed.

Exchange rate: 1.00 NZD = 4.44931000 CNY
1.00 NZD | 4.45 CNY
After payment, the funds directly enter the other party's account
  • If a refund occurs, you need to contact the payee to negotiate, such as paying a stranger, please be cautious.
  • 1. Alipay does not charge any currency exchange fees.
  • 2. The final payment amount is the RMB amount, which is not the foreign currency amount.
Scan the QR code to make a payment

The QR code is too busy,
please try again later

Sweep the logo
Open the Alipay app on mobile phone
and continue to pay

This demo page will redirects to the result page in 10 seconds.

Order has been created, please complete payment on mobile phone Alipay

  • benefit | Use the scan code to pay for the discount